Ezekiel: A Fire Kindled, A Sword Unsheathed

Series: Ezekiel: That You Might Know that I AM

Ezekiel 20:45-21:7

A Fire Kindled, A Sword Unsheathed

Almost everyone knows about and thinks well of God’s patience; He is indeed long-suffering, for He waited around twelve centuries before carrying out the judgment that He proclaimed through all that time through various prophets. But the God who is has just wrath as well as patience, and His patience was about to come to an end as He directed Ezekiel to relay a parable to the children of Israel, telling them of their impending doom. The wrath of God is real, yet most people turn a deaf ear to such warnings. May Christ grant us ears to hear, hearts to respond, and mouths to clearly speak the truth in love.

PowerPoint slides and outline: https://app.box.com/s/q5v6100ei0oocw8…